Internal Complaints Committee

Studentsupport Internal Complaints Committee

Internal Complaints Committee

In pursuance of UGC (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressel of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher education institution) Regulations, 2015 read with sexual harassment of women at workplace (prevention, prohibition and redressal) Act, 2013 and in partial modification of Office Order Dated 16-8-2016, Internal Complaint Committee (ICC) is reconstituted as under to deal with the complaints relating to sexual harassment at work place.

The ICC comprises of the following members
Sl. No. Name & Designation Telephone No & Email ID Post held
1 Dr. NusaifaBeevi.
P Associate Professor & HOD,
Department of Botany
9497639573 nusai10@gmail .com Chair person
2 Dr. Razeena. K. I
Associate Professor & HOD,
Physical Education
9447582746 Member
3 Dr. Kumari V. K. Shyni
Assistant Professor in Commerce
9447958248 Member
4 Smt. N. Azeena
Office Superintendent
9496203343 Member
5 Smt. Dhanyasree
9946098049 Member
6 Adv. Shinu Sidharthan
Bar Association Thiruvananthapuram
9447009338 Member
7 Kaveri. S. R
Research scholar, Commerce
Student Member
8 Munna Nisrin
PG I year M.A.History
Student Member
9 Annie
UG Third year, Physics
Student Member
The objectives of ICC

1. Sensitizing the campus community on gender issues
2. Prevent discrimination and sexual harassment against women, by promoting gender amity among students and employees.
3. Addressing complaints from victims

ICC Procedure

On receipt of a complaint ICC shall conduct preliminary enquiry so as to ascertain the truth of the allegation by collecting the documentary evidence as well as recording statements of any possible witness including the complainant. ICC shall then submit the preliminary enquiry report to authority along with all original documents adduced during the preliminary enquiry proceedings. In case, the allegations are not in the nature of sexual harassment, ICC may refer such complaints to the Grievance Redressal cell or to the Principal.
Where sexual harassment occurs as a result of an act or omission by any third party or outsider, ICC shall take all steps necessary and reasonable to assist the affected person in terms of support and preventive action.
ICC shall comply with the procedure prescribed in the aforementioned UGC regulation 2015 and the sexual harassment act for inquiring into the complaint in a time bound manner.
If ICC concludes that the allegation made were false, malicious or the complaint was made knowing it to be untrue or forged or misleading information has been provides during the inquiry, the complainant shall be liable to be punished as per the relevant provision of the aforementioned UGC regulation 2015.

Who can approach ICC for help?

Any female (faculty, student, staff) of the college.

Definition of Sexual Harassment.

"Sexual harassment" includes any unwelcome sexually inclined behaviour, whether directly or indirectly, such as:

  • Physical contact and advances
  • Demand or request of sexual favours
  • Sexually coloured remarks
  • Showing any pornography, or
  • Any other unwelcome physical, verbal or non-verbal conduct of sexual nature.
What are the possible actions that can be taken against the respondent?
  • Warming
  • Written apology
  • Adverse remarks in the confidential report
  • Stopping of increment/promotion
  • Suspension
  • Dismissal
  • Any other relevant action
Do's and Do Not's
  • Don't feel a sense of shame. Tell the harasser very clearly that you find this behaviour offensive.
  • Don't ignore the harassment in the hope that it will stop on its own; come forward and complain.
  • Talk to somebody you trust about the harassment. It will not only give you strength, but also help others to come forward and complain.
  • Keep a detailed record of all incidents related to the sexual harassment. If you feel the need to register a formal complaint later, this record will be helpful.
Procedure for Registering Complaints

All complaints must be brought by the complainant in person to ICC.

If you think you are harassed or being harassed, what should you do?

Lodge a complaint through email or by a telephone call to any of the members of ICC

  • The enquiry shall be completed within a period of ninety days from the date of the complaint.
  • On completion of the enquiry, the ICC shall provide a report of its findings to the employer within a period of ten days from the date of completion of the inquiry and such report be made available to the concerned parties.
  • If the allegations against the respondent have been proved, it shall recommend punitive actions to be taken against the respondent to the employer.
  • The employer shall act upon the recommendation within sixty days of receiving it.